
Showing posts from September, 2019

Use of Verb - To be - Was/Were

Use of Verb ' To be ' - होना क्रिया Past form - was/were पहचान - वाक्य के अंत में था, थे, थी , होता था , होते थे, होती थी आदि । नोट - ऐसे वाक्यों में Subject, Verb (to be), और Compliment होता है । ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि इन वाक्यों में Subject और Object (अर्थात Compliment) एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु की ओर संकेत करता है । इसलिए इन वाक्यों में Object के स्थान पर प्रयुक्त शब्दों या शब्द समूहों को Object ना कह कर Compliment कहा जाता है । Affirmative Sentence Rule :- S + Was/Were + O/C + R. Use of Was – With 1st person ( I - मैं ) & 3rd person singular number. (He, She, It & singular name) Use of Were – With 1st person plural (we) 2nd person (you) & 3rd person plural number.(They, Cows, Boys, Girls etc.) Example :- मैं एक व्यापारी था । I was a businessman. वह एक डॉक्टर था । He was a doctor. Negative Sentence Rule:- S + Was/Were + Not + O + R. Example :- मैं एक क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी नहीं था । I was not a cricketer. तुम एक बुरे नागरिक नहीं थे । You we

Use of Verb - To be - Is/Are/Am

Use of Verb ' To be ' - होना क्रिया Present form - is / are / am पहचान - वाक्य के अंत में है, हूं, हो, होता है, होते हैं, होती है आदि । नोट - ऐसे वाक्यों में Subject, Verb (to be), और Compliment होता है । ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि इन वाक्यों में Subject और Object (अर्थात Compliment) एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु की ओर संकेत करता है । इसलिए इन वाक्यों में Object के स्थान पर प्रयुक्त शब्दों या शब्द समूहों को Object ना कह कर Compliment कहा जाता है । Affirmative Sentence Rule :- S + Is / Are / Am + O/C + R. Use of Am – With 1st person singular number. ( I - मैं ) Use of Is – With 3rd person singular number. (He, She, It & singular name) Use of Are – With 1st person plural, 2nd person & 3rd person plural number.(We, You, They, Cows, Boys, Girls etc.) Example :- मैं एक अंग्रेजी का शिक्षक हूं । I am an English teacher. वह एक डॉक्टर है । He is a doctor. Negative Sentence Rule:- S + Is / Are / Am + Not + O + R. Example :- मैं एक क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी नहीं हूं । I

Subject & Predicate

Parts of Sentence: - There are two parts of a Sentence. 1. Subject 2. Predicate 1. Subject :- A word or a group of words about which something is said is called the Subject of the sentence. Example:- Ram is a good boy. Cows eat grass. They are reading. I am teaching English. You can be a scholar. 2. Predicate :- A word or a group of words in which something is said about the subject is called Predicate. Example:- Ram is a good boy . Cows eat grass . They are reading . I am teaching English . You can be a scholar .


KINDS OF STANZAS Couplet = a two line stanza Triplet (Tercet) = a three line stanza Quatrain = a four line stanza Quintet = a five line stanza Sestet (Sextet) = a six line stanza Septet = a seven line stanza Octave = an eight line stanza Sonnet   = a fourteen line poem

Simile, Metaphor & Personification

Figures of Speech 1. Simile :- Simile is a figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unlike or dissimilar objects using the words like or as. Example :-   She is as beautiful as the moon. He fought like a lion.  2. Metaphor :- Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a comparison is drawn between two dissimilar or unlike things without using like or as. Or,   A direct comparison of two unlike things. Example :-  “All the world‟s a stage, and we are merely players.”                                       ~ William Shakespeare  3. Personification :- Personification is a figure of speech in which animals, ideas, or objects are given human characteristics or form. Example :-  The tree bowed and waved to me in the wind. Flowers danced about the lawn.

Subject, Verb & Object

1. Subject - A word or a group of words about which something is said is called the Subject of the sentence. Example:-                     Ram is a good boy.                     Cows eat grass.                     I am teaching English.                     You can be a scholar.                     They are reading. 2. Verb - The word which is used to show an action of the subject is called Verb. Example:-                    Ram is a good boy.                    Good students go to school daily.                     I have a lot of books.                     We have played cricket  in childhood. 3. Object - A word or a group of words that is affected by the action of the verb is called Object. Example :-                    Radha is writing a letter .                    Ravi and Raju are playing cricket .                    Sita had a car .                    We should plant trees .