Parts of Speech

Parts of speech - Words are divided into different groups; they are called parts of speech.
Kinds of Parts of Speech: - There are eight kinds of parts of speech according to old English grammar.
1. Noun - Ram, India, Cow, Book, India etc.
2. Pronoun - I, We, You, He, She, It, They etc.
3. Adjective - Good, Bad, Beautiful, Tall, Small etc.
4. Verb - Eat, Go, Come, Read, Write, Sleep etc.
5. Adverb - Slowly, Lastly, Very, Too, Quite etc.
6. Preposition - In, On, At, Over, Under, Before etc.
7. Conjunction - And, But, Because, If, Hence etc.
8. Interjection - Oh, Alas, Hurrah etc.
According to Modern English
Kinds of Parts of Speech: - In modern English Parts of Speech is divided into two groups.
(1) Form Classes
(2) Structure Words
(1) Form Classes: - The words, having different forms are called Form Classes. ( The form of such words
is changed by adding morpheme.)
Kinds of Form Classes: - There are four kinds of Form Classes.
1. Noun - Ram, India, Cow, Book, India etc.
2. Adjective - Good, Bad, Beautiful, Tall, Small etc.
3. Verb - Eat, Go, Come, Read, Write, Sleep etc.
4. Adverb - Slowly, Lastly, Very, Too, Quite etc.
(2) Structure Words: - The words that do not change their forms are called Structure Words. ( The form
of such words is not changed by adding morpheme.)
Kinds of Structure Words: - There are ten kinds of Structure Words.
1. Pronoun - I, We, You, He, She, It, They etc.
2. Auxiliary - Is, Are, Am, Has, Will, May, Can etc.
3. Determiner - A, An, The, My, Your, Each, One, Some etc.
4. Preposition - In, On, At, Over, Under, Before etc.
5. Conjunction - And, But, Because, If, Hence etc.
6. Interjection - Oh, Alas, Hurrah etc.
7. Intensifier -  Very, Rather, More, Quite, Too etc.
8. Subordinator - Because, Before, If, Whether, As etc.
9. Sentence-connector - Hence, So, But, Yet, Therefore etc.
10. Question-word - What, When, Where, Whom, Why, Who, Which etc.


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