
Showing posts from August, 2019

Ode On Solitude (Question & Answer)

Ode on solitude ~ Alexander Pope Question & Answer Q. Who is a happy man ? Ans- According to the poet, Alexander pope, a happy man is that who is content to breathe his native air and has his paternal land, eats the things that he gets from his land and animals by serving them. Such person leads a healthy and peaceful life living at his own place with satisfaction. Q. Whom does the pronoun 'his' in the third line of the first stanza refer to ? Ans- The pronoun 'his' in the third line of the first stanza refer to the common people who are content to breathe in the native air. Q. Who gives him milk ? Ans- The herds of poet's cattle give him milk. Q. What gives him bread ? Ans- Poet's own field gives him bread. Q. From where does he get his clothes ? Ans- The poet gets his clothes from the wool of his own sheep. Q. How do trees help him ? Ans- Trees help him by giving him shade in summer. Q. Name the poem and the poet. Ans- The name

God Made The Country (Question & Answer)

God Made the Country ~ William Cowper Question & Answer Q.1. where do you find health and virtue ? Ans- Health and virtue are found in the country (village). Q.2. Where do you find fields and groves ? Ans- Fields and groves are found in the country (village). Q.3. What is the source of light in villages in the evening ? Ans- The moon is the source of light in villages in the evening. Q.4. Why is the nightingale mute in a town ? Ans- The nightingale is mute in the town because it does not get its natural surroundings there. Q.5 . Why does the poet believe that God made the country ? Ans- Here in the poem ''God made the country'' the word 'country' refers to 'village' which is full of natural beauty, peace and harmony. Life is peaceful and happy there. Therefore the poet, William Cowper, believes that God made the country. Q.6. Why does the poet believe that man made the town ? Ans- Here in the poem ''God made

On His Blindness (Questions & Answers)

On His Blindness ~ John Milton  Question & Answer Q.1. What is meant by 'my light is spent' ? Ans- Here in this line John Milton means to say that he has lost his eye-sight and become blind. Q.2. Why is the world 'dark and wide' to the poet ? Ans - The poet has become blind that's why the world seems to him 'dark and wide'. Q.3. Who is the 'maker' in the Sonnet ? Ans- God is the 'maker' in the Sonnet. Q.4. Is God a hard task master ? Ans- Yes, God is a hard task master because God takes care of everyone in the world. Q.5. Does God require his appreciation ? Ans- No, God does not require his appreciation. Q.6. Is Milton afraid of the almighty ? Ans- Yes, Milton is afraid of the almighty. Q.7. Discuss the meaning of the closing line, ''They also serve who only stand and wait.'' Ans- Here in this line John Milton expresses that God also serves those who keep on working with patience.

Me And The Ecology Bit (Questions & Answers)

Me And The Ecology Bit ~ Joan Lexau Question & Answer Q.1. What are the slogans ? Ans- The slogans are Save Earth, Save Tree and Save Water. Q.2. Why are these slogans displayed ? Ans- These slogans are displayed to draw the attention of people towards the issues of ecology. Q.3. Do you like these slogans ? why ? Ans- Yes, I like these slogans because it draws our attention towards the issue of preserving environment and saving ecology. Q.4. What happens when the narrator calls Ms. Greene, 'Mrs. Greene' ? Ans- When the narrator calls Ms. Greene, Mrs. Greene. She says that she does not have change to pay him. Q.5. What does the narrator do on Saturdays and Sundays ? Ans- On Saturdays and Sundays the narrator goes to make people aware of ecology and tell them how to preserve environment. Q.6. Which animal messes up Ms. Greene's yard ? Ans- The dog messes up Ms. Greene's yard. Q.7. Why does the narrator ask Ms. Greene to

A Silent Revolution (Questions & Answers)

A Silent Revolution ~ Kunal Verma ( Published Hindustan Times ) Question & Answer Q.1. What does SMS stand for ? Ans- SMS stands for Short Messaging Service. Q.2. How was it conceived ? Ans- SMS was conceived as a part of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) digital standard. Q.3. What ability does it have ? Ans- It has the ability to send and receive text messages at a mobile phone. Q.4. How are messages sent and routed ? Ans- Messages are not sent directly from the sender to the receiver. They are routed through short messaging service centre run by the service provider. Q.5. What ensures that the message is delivered at the destination mobile even if it is switched off or out of the coverage area ? Ans- Short Messaging Service Centre ensures that the message is delivered at the destination mobile even if it is switched off or out of the coverage area. Q.6. What does SMSC stand for ? Ans- SMSC stands for Short Messaging Service Centre

Steps to Translate from Hindi to English











Sentence Definition:- A meaningful group of words is called Sentence. Example :-                    Cows eat grass.                    They are reading.                    I am teaching English.                    Are you going to school ?                    What are you doing ? Kinds of Sentence :- There are five kinds of Sentence in English grammar. 1. Assertive Sentence 2. Interrogative Sentence 3. Imperative Sentence 4. Optative Sentence 5. Exclamatory Sentence Definitions 1. Assertive Sentence - A sentence that makes a statement is called Assertive Sentence. Example :-                    Ram is a good boy.                    Cows eat grass.                    They are reading.                    I am teaching English.                    You can be a scholar. 2. Interrogative Sentence - A sentence that asks a question is called Interrogative Sentence. Example :-                     What is your name ?                     How do you do ?

Parts of Speech

Parts of speech - Words are divided into different groups; they are called parts of speech. Kinds of Parts of Speech : - There are eight kinds of parts of speech according to old English grammar. 1. Noun - Ram, India, Cow, Book, India etc. 2. Pronoun - I, We, You, He, She, It, They etc. 3. Adjective - Good, Bad, Beautiful, Tall, Small etc. 4. Verb - Eat, Go, Come, Read, Write, Sleep etc. 5. Adverb - Slowly, Lastly, Very, Too, Quite etc. 6. Preposition - In, On, At, Over, Under, Before etc. 7. Conjunction - And, But, Because, If, Hence etc. 8. Interjection - Oh, Alas, Hurrah etc. According to Modern English Kinds of Parts of Speech : - In modern English Parts of Speech is divided into two groups. (1) Form Classes (2) Structure Words (1) Form Classes : - The words, having different forms are called Form Classes. ( The form of such words is changed by adding morpheme.) Kinds of Form Classes : - There are four kinds of Form Classes. 1. Noun - Ram, Ind

The Grandmother (Question & Answer)

The Grandmother ~ Ray Young Bear Question & Answer Q.1. From what distance does the poet recognise his grandmother ? Ans- The poet recognises his grandmother from a mile away. Q.2. What is the colour of grandmother's scarf ? Ans- The colour of grandmother's scarf is purple. Q.3. What material the shopping-bag is made of ? Ans- The shopping bag is made of plastic . Q.4. What are the two things in first eight lines which the speaker associates with his grandmother ? Or, What helps the speaker to recognise his grandmother from a mile ? Name two identifying marks that the poet has mentioned in the poem. Ans- The two things that the speaker associates with his grandmother are the purple scarf and the plastic shopping bag. Q.5. In the poem the poet feels the tender touch of his grandmother. Explain the lines. Ans- Here the poet expresses that he feels the tender touch of his grandmother because it is full of great love and affection. Q.6. From w

Yayati (Question & Answer)

Yayati ~ C. Rajgopalachari in English & Chaman Lal in Hindi Questions & Answer Q.1. Who was Emperor Yayati ? Ans- Emperor Yayati was one of the ancestors of the Pandavas. Q.2. How did Yayati become old ? Who caused him ? Ans- Yayati became old by the curse of shukracharya. Q.3. Was Yayati devoid of sensual desires ? Ans- Yes, Yayati was devoid of sensual desires due to the curse of shukracharya. Q.4. What was the reply of his eldest son ? Ans- The eldest son replied that women and servants would mock at him if he took upon the old age. Q.5. Why did he became angry ? Ans- Yayati became angry because his sons had declined to do as he wished. Q.6. What are the symptoms of an old man ? Ans- The symptoms of an old man are wrinkles, debility, grey hairs etc. Q.7. Who was Puru ? Did he accept his father's proposal ? Ans- Puru was the fifth and the youngest son of Yayati. Yes, he accepted his father's proposal. Q.8. 'Sensual desire

Dharam Juddha (Question & Answer)

Dharam Buddha ~ Arjun Dev Charan Short Questions Q.1. What was the question that Padma wanted to know from her parents ? Ans- Padma wanted to know from her parents that "what is the identity of a woman?" Q.2. How many brothers and sisters did Padma have ? Ans- Padma had no brother and sister. She was the only girl child of her parents. Q.3. Why was Padma unhappy with her father ? Ans- Padma was unhappy with her father because she felt that her father cares more for money than for her. Q.4. For whom is life hell according to Padma mother ? Ans- According to Padma's mother life is hell for that woman whose husband is dead. Q.5- What, according to Padma, is the identity of the human race ? Ans- According to Padma the identity of a woman is the identity of the human race.

Application for leave

Q.1. Write an application to the principal of your school apologizing for being absent from the school without an application for leave. Ans.(1) To,      The Principal,       HS Chandi Raziganj , Purnea Through - The class teacher Subject - Leave for two days Sir/Madam,                 With due respect I beg to state that I could not attend my school from ............... to ................ because of my illness. Therefore kindly grant my leave for two days. I will be grateful to you for this. Your obedient, Name - Class - Section - Roll No - Date - Ans. (2) To,      The Principal,       HS Chandi Raziganj, Purnea Through - The class teacher Subject - Leave for ten days Sir/Madam,                 Respectfully I beg to state that I could not attend my school from ............... to ................ because I was suffering from chicken-pox. Since it is a communicable disease, my doctor has advised me a few days complete rest.Therefore kindly grant m

The Pace For Living (Question & Answer)

The Pace For Living ~ R. C. Hutchinson B. Answer the following questions briefly: Q.1. Where did the writer watch the play ? Ans- The writer watched the play in Dublin. Q.2. Who was the chief character in the Play ? Ans- The chief character in the play was an elderly corn-merchant. Q.3. Does the writer dislike rapid moment in every field ? Ans- No, the writer does not always dislike rapid moment in every field. He likes it as long as he himself is driving a car and it is not his car. Q.4. In which situation does the writer find himself in the cinema ? Ans- In the cinema the writer finds himself in a hopeless situation . Q.5. How does the writer classify himself as a thinker ? Ans- The writer classifies himself as a slow thinker . LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Write a few sentences about the elderly corm-merchant. 2. They tell me there's an aeroplane now that goes at 1,000 miles an hour. Now that's too fast" What light does the remark of the corn merchant thr